
When will it get to me?

I was just going through my timeline on face book this morning when I noticed that my namesake whom we attended secondary school together has gotten engaged and I commented in her status “my namesy is getting married which means the queue has moved to M so everyone whose name begins with an M start dancing” (by the way the M stands for my native name for those who may be wondering). That comment actually got me thinking so I decided to share my thoughts with you.

Is there really a queue? Are we all waiting in line to get want we want? What are the selection criteria? Is it alphabetically, by peer groups, physical attributes and position in society, religious beliefs or what exactly? Or are we all just scrambling and waiting for fate to happen in our favor? Some people I left school with are still jobless till date, others are earning way more than me and a few are not even lucky to be alive. How about childbearing? Is it fair that someone who just got married has a set of twins while those who have been married for many years are still hoping and praying? Or  that a lady who did not even have marriage on her agenda suddenly changes her mind and “puff”  just like magic she is wearing and engagement ring while you who has been desiring to be married since you came of age have been moving from one relationship to another without any luck? How about a family that has 7 fully mature daughters all single and everyone is praying for just one to get lucky, but then another family with only one young daughter is married immediately after her university degree.    

When an old schoolmate calls me up to share the news of a new job they got or any Saturday I attend a wedding (which happens to be almost every Saturday), I like to flatter myself and say “one more person has been attended to, I’m a step closer” but who am I deceiving? It can only be real consolation if I know the number of people before me, it’s like waiting on a queue to use the ATM and you can see that there are 5 people before you, the wait is easier because of your ability to predict how much longer you will be there. In this case, I don’t even know my position I am just waiting blindly; I may not even have a spot on the queue so no matter how fast the queue, it will never get to me. While still trying to figure that out, I remember Ecclesiastes 9:11(…that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all –kjv), there lies my consolation, I don’t need to know the number of people waiting in line before me, in all the uncertainties and "unfairness" of life, I am confident that time and chance will happen soon enough in my favor.


  1. Everything in life has got its time and season so if there really is a queue it would get to u

  2. Epistle according to ticiatowns. *Winks*!!!

  3. All that comes to mind while I read this was "tag you are it" reminisce of the tag games we played as kids. So Ticia calm down someone is sure to tap you n whisper tag you are it! *wide grin*
