

I have always wondered why a guy would be nervous to talk to a lady he admires, we don’t bite na. Ironically ladies desire for guys to make a move at every opportunity, it keeps our confidence up (sorry for breaking the girl code ladies). Out of curiosity I went out of my way to find out the reason for this and it turns out many of them are scared of rejection but guess what! A smooth talker can hardly ever be rejected, ladies believe what they hear- Remember? All ye doubting Thomas (es) can get confirmation of this from your player protégés and because I am 100% sure that a good player never reveals his secrets, you will fall back on this article written by me-a mere female. OK, so now that I have your attention are you willing to let me tell you how to become a smooth talker? Please read my top 4 conversation starters and before the end of today, you will be talking your way into that precious lady’s heart.

Something about this lady definitely got your attention and I’m sure her style was part of it. Why not use that to your own advantage to strike up a conversation and please try to make it worth listening to, not like the typical “baby you look take away” (with Igbo accent) pick up line-that is so two thousand and late. Fashion is really a language we all speak, not just with the opposite sex. I have had ladies walk up to me to commend my make up or an item of clothing and I’m thinking the same goes with the male folk as well.

Everyone loves some form of entertainment and they make the best conversation. Ranging from movies, to music and games (play station, x-box etc). Here I was minding my business and playing candy crush saga on my phone when this guy walks up to me from behind really thrilled and asks “so you play this game too?” before I would give him my usual sarcastic answer “as you can see that’s what I am playing” he blurted out “just be careful not to give it too much of your time” and with that I knew he indeed understood the addiction of the game and when we got talking, I realized he was levels way ahead of me and the gist that started on the grounds of "let me tell you what to expect in subsequent levels" went way beyond that. You can also talk about the current series or block buster movies and music too (we all love some RnB therapy don't we?) here is a bonus tip people- always have a cool ringtone; it works like magic*winks*

How cool would it be that a lady pulls up a chair beside you at the bar during a Man U(or Arsenal, whichever you prefer) match and it turns out both of you are rooting for the same club, my guy this is a clear sign from heaven that your prayers have been heard oo, so don’t dull. Contrary to what many believe, a lot of us ladies actually watch and understand football and there's nothing sexier than a lady in a jersey*winks*. As I always like to share my stories I might as well tell you that my relationship with my brother is better now because I watch football. We can actually stand being together in the same room and not fight over who holds the remote control or which match not to watch.

This list can be classified incomplete if social media isn’t on it. The good thing about this is the fact that it already sets a platform for you to begin considering how easy it is get familiar with someone via BBM chats. A comedian once made a joke about 21st century relationships stating they begin from a BBM invite and then develop to phone calls which eventually leads to the hook up of both parties but as funny as it sounds it has led a lot of people to the altar and also started lifelong friendships.Follow the trend people; twitter, instagram, linkedin and the rest cos you may never know where cupid decides to strike.

On that note I would like to add that these 4 steps are different from what we understand to 'pick-up lines'  because while the former keeps the conversation going, the latter is what gets her attention in the 1st place so when you find yourself thinking "what next after I say hello", remember what you read here...ciao

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